Saturday, April 14, 2012


Air Freshener
Squeeze lemon onto a small cup of baking soda, or add a few drops essential oil to baking soda
Description: Kaleiwahine did this! "DIY room air freshner"
You can also add a few drops to the side of your toilet paper roll so when you pull it, it releases the fragrance. Be careful not to douse w/something like peppermint oil or you will get a zing!
Description: Kaleiwahine did this! "Freshen the air with this handy trick.  When you get out a new roll of toilet paper, place a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the cardboard tube of the toilet paper.  This will release the scent of the oil each time the paper is used...."

Glass & General Purpose Cleaner
1 part white vinegar  + 1 part water  + few drops essential oils

Tub Shower Scrub
1 part Dawn dishsoap + 1 part hot/microwaved vinegar

Oven Cleaner
Before going to bed- Mix  1/2 cup to 3/4 C baking soda, a few TBSP vinegar, good squirt or two of dish soap. Stir. Apply w/a damp rag to the bottom, sides & inside the over door. Close it up & Leave overnight. Scrub out in the morning with a hot, wet rag.

Microwave Cleaner
Heat bowl of 1 part vinegar + 1 Part water in microwave until evaporates & soaks gunk good, open & wipe down

Drain Cleaner (For metal pipes)
Pour 3/4-1 cup baking soda in drain.
Then pour 1/2 cup vinegar in drain, immediately cover
Let work for abt 30 min
Remove cover & run HOT water run thru pipes for abt 2-3 min

Drain Freshener
Mix 1/2 cup baking soda w/ 1/4 cup table salt
Pour down drain
Follow w/ 1 cup heated vinegar down drain (it will foam)
Let it sit for 15 minutes, then run Hot water for 1 min

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
3/4 cup baking soda (or as ½ C baking soda, ¼ C borax)

1/2 cup water1/2 tsp castile soap scented or add  few drops tea tree oil
Combine, mix gently or you will get bubbles.

Carpet Spot Cleaner (Test for carpet discoloration first)
Combine 1 TBSP w/ 3TBSP vinegar
Add 2 C Water
Spray on carpet, let stand for 5 min
Scrub stain w/damp rug
Let Dry and Vacuum

Laundry Stain Treatment (Test on material for discoloration first)
1 part Dawn Dishwashing Liquid (I've used a generic brand w/ great results)
2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide
Mix together & pour directly on the stain

Whitening - Add ½ C Borax, Washing Soda, Baking Soda, or Hydrogen Peroxide to wash cycle w/ your detergent
Deodorizing- Add Baking soda, or Vinegar to Wash Cycle
Hard Water- Add ½ Cup White Vinegar to Rinse Cyle to help w/hard water problems

Laundry Detergent
Dry Detergent- Store in airtight container, add 2 TBSP/load
Grate Fels-Naptha laundry soap, Add1/2 C Borax, ½ C Washing Soda

Liquid Detergent- shake before use, 1 C/load
Grate Fels-Naptha laundry soap, dissolve on stove w/ 4 qt water, turn off heat, add 1C Borax + 1 C Washing Soda, put mix in 5 Gallon bucket, fill to top w/HOT water, cover & let sit overnight, in morning stir until gelatinous stuff mixed in, pour ½ into another 5 gallon bucket, fill both buckets to top with hot water, stir, fill your containers.

Fabric Softener
6 C warm water
3 C white vinegar
2 C hair conditioner - pick a scent you like

Measure out as you would w/ store bought fabric softener.

Alternative Fabric Softener
4 cups hot water
2 cups white distilled vinegar
2 cups baking soda
10 drops essential oil of your choice
Mix & use as you would store bought.

1 comment:

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