Wednesday, April 4, 2012

10 Gallons Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent

I have reviewed several homemade laundry detergents. Both dry and liquid. I prefer liquid mainly because sometime the dry ingredients don't dissolve as well.
I can see how people prefer the ease of making and storing the dry. But I didn't find either of those things a hassle.

Majority of the homemade laundry detergent recipes- dry and liquid- used Fels-Naptha laundry bar soap, Borax, and Washing Soda (not to be confused with Baking Soda).

I am a believer in the utility of Borax, but also know for those with sensitive skin it can be an irritant. (And it is toxic in it's dry form- you have to be careful not to inhale the dust when using this around the home).

Instead of using it in this whole batch of laundry detergent, I decided to make a homemade stain remover/ oxy-cleaner to pre-treat whites. (I'll post that later.)
So instead of Borax, I increased my Washing Soda and included 1/3 cup of salt (I dug this recipe up online).

Fels-Naptha also does wonders to get things clean and stain free- but again can be an irritant with those with sensitive skin.

That being the case I decided to use a Eucalyptus bar soap my Grandma Nathele gave me for Christmas. Some people say that certain bar soaps (which I store as part of my ongoing 2 year supply of emergency prep) are better, since those with moisturiser may not do as good of a job with getting clothes clean. But I am a fan of use what you have.

What I Used:
Eucalyptus bar soap- grated OR FELS-NAPTHA for a superKICK!
1 Cup Washing Soda
1/3 Cup Salt OR 1 CUP BORAX for a superKICK!
Hot Water
Grater, Pot to boil down soap flakes, 5 Gallon Bucket, Empty plastic storage tub, funnel, empty plastic jugs, stirrers (big slotted spoon and twisted off broom handle)

Fels-Naptha was 5.5 oz, my bar was 7 oz.
Grating my bar over a plastic bag. I read after the fact if you heat the bar in the microwave until it's soft like cheese it grates easier & faster.
The aftermath.
Grated only what I thought was 5.5 oz.

In my camp pot I added the flakes to a quart of water and continuously stirred on medium heat until all the flakes were dissolved.
Once dissolved I poured it in a 5 Gallon bucket (fr Home Depot for $3, lid for $1.50). Then added 1 Cup Washing Soda (about $3, obviously this will last and last since we just use a cup), & 1/3 Cup Salt (about $1).

I filled the bucket half way up with HOT tap water (over a rug since it does splash a bit).

Then I filled the bucket up the rest of the way with HOT water. I stirred it with my dollar store broom stick.

Then I covered the bucket and let it sit overnight.

In the morning it was a gelatinous mass. Like runny jello.

I poured this into my larger tub and stirred it with a slotted spoon until all the globs were liquid.

Then I added another 5 gallons of Hot Water, and mixed thoroughly.
After the liquid was consistent, I used a funnel to fill my jugs.

I have a lot of saved jugs for projects like these.

1309 oz!!!  1 CUP/Load- based on how dirty/clean...The end!

So, normally I use about 9 bottles of 32 oz, or 288 oz, of laundry detergent a year, . I prefer the above blue bottle I get at the dollar store because it is mild scented & the surfactants are biodegradable.

I have tried the clear versions- you can see the Sun bottle and the Arm&Hammer behind that. But they aren't particularly better and about $3 each. So for a year of laundry for two people, soap costs me $9- $13.

Homemade the cost is about a fourth of that.

Plus you feel super awesome.

Also, I use hot water for my whites (which being LDS I have a lot of), otherwise, since I don't have little kids we stick to mostly cold water. And I live in a 4 season area- but I have a line in my kitchen and a clothes horse for drying. I used my dryer twice this past year since my daughter needed something in a hurry for her recital. But since I pay to heat the apartment, the heat dries my clothes on the line & clothes horse.

Again. Awesome. For my wallet and the environment.

1 comment:

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