Monday, April 16, 2012

Organic food costs more.

It's also worth more in fewer pesticides and contaminants and increased nutrients (this includes animal products- those not pumped with antibiotics, nor eating what they weren't meant to be (animal byproducts), & able to move around as designed).

As far as long term investment for our land, water, and air- organic has great value.

My family lives on a tight budget, and in the meantime, without access to a quality farmers market of affordable produce (like where we used to live), we turn to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for help. 

The EWG publishes the Shopper's Guide to Produce. They came up with the Dirty Dozen list of the most contaminated produce after analyzing 50,000 tests of pesticides on produce conducted by the USDA between 2000 and 2005. They keep this list updated after new analysis. They also remind us that we should not avoid eating vegetables all together due to pesticide issues.

Items on the Dirty Dozen list are to buy organic

1.APPLES yielded the highest rates of pesticide. (If you are not buying these organic- PEEL them and CORE them since pesticides gather at the stem and wick into the core).

2.CELERY A heavy feeder requiring a lot of water and food- it absorbs pesticides in the soil and water. The higher rates of pesticides are at the bottom of celery where they absorb water.

3.STRAWBERRIES-grown on the ground, they are subject to pesticides in the soil and absorb pesticides also through their stalks.

4.PEACHES- due to their susceptibility to insects and disease, peaches are routinely sprayed with fungicides and pesticides at various stages of development.

5.SPINACH- Subject to pesticides and fungicides in the ground and water system. They also uptake pesticides through their stalks.

6.NECTARINES-Thin skinned, anything used to treat them is absorbed.

7.GRAPES-Imported actually have higher rates than domestic since they are often treated with methyl bromide to guard against fruit fly infestation. Also, domestically they are treated with fungicides and pesticides.

8.SWEET BELL PEPPERS- Sprayed with pesticides throughout their growing season.

9.POTATOES- subject to treated soil and water contaminants. Many are waxed before being sold making it hard to remove residue.

10.BLUEBERRIES- Thin skinned, like other berries and fruits, they absorb what they are treated with.

11.LETTUCE- sprayed with fungicides since they are susceptible to fungus due to poor air circulation & excess moisture. Also a heavy feeder, they are subject to pesticides in the water and soil.

12.KALE/COLLARD GREENS- Subject to pesticides and fungicides in the soil and water.

In our area, surprisingly Costco carries the largest selection at the best price of organic produce. We also have Sunflower Market, and the Good Earth stores. It would be great to start seeing organic produce show up at the local farmer's market.
SOURCES: Environmental Working Group web site, accessed 4/16/2012
Hollender, Jeffrey & Alexander Zissu, Planet HomeNY: Clarkson Potter/ Publishers, 2010.


  1. I am trying bountiful baskets for the first time this week. They have an organic option. My sister, who lives in central Utah, does it and told me about it. I will let you know how it goes. It is like a CSA, but with no commitment.

  2. Yes, keep us posted! I will google them for information.
